Health Promotion
What is health promotion?
Promotional health talks, which can be done through group bookings, promote a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise and regular medical screenings. Eating excessive junk food with the presence of trans fats, sugar and oil can be expensive and lead to unhealthy lifestyle habits. Incorporating too much sugar in your diet can not only lead to an increase in abdominal fat but also causes diabetes and heart disease.
Exercise and following a healthy diet improve your quality of life by lifting your mood and reducing the risk of depression, including other mental health problems. With exercise, your body naturally stimulates the release of endorphins, the feel-good chemical that dulls pain receptors, making you feel happier, which is similar to the effects of morphine.
How can you improve your health?
Exercise and dieting improve your quality of life and lower the risk of chronic disease. Healthy living is a way of introducing habits like getting enough sleep, managing stress, practising safe sex and keeping active that enable you to lead a long and fulfilling life. Another important factor in managing your health involves attending regular health checks to screen for chronic diseases.
During a health check, your doctor can read your blood pressure and conduct a blood test to calculate your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. As a result, your general practitioner will be able to monitor your health and reduce the risk of related illnesses that impact the way you live and the relationships you manage to develop.
What does a health campaign aim to achieve?
A health campaign is a promotional event that strives for a healthier you to boost your confidence and prevent chronic illnesses. Generally, health campaigns are an effective preventative measure against infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases and chronic ailments such as heart disease and diabetes.
Workshops are aimed at:
- Educating the public on the importance of health screenings and the impact of unmanaged chronic diseases
- The importance of developing a good body image and nurturing the relationship you have with your body
- The positive effects of eating healthily and exercising daily
- Managing stress effectively
- Practising safe sex
- Getting tested for STDs, STIs and HIV regularly
- Maintaining good heart health
- Reducing sugar and cholesterol in your diet

The three models of health include:
- The medical model focuses on the body to be viewed as a machine that needs to be maintained and repaired when necessary.
- The holistic model focuses on physical, emotional, mental and psychological well-being.
- The wellness model was initiated by the World Health Organisation in 1984 as health promotion, viewing health as a process rather than a state, which centres on an individual’s needs and their ability to adapt to the changing environment.